Rule 42

Smile, cause the world might end tomorrow

Rule 41

Dream as you would live forever, live as if you only have today

Rule 40

Avoid rule 39, kinda work in sync with karma.

Rule 39

If you gonna throw people under the bus you have to accept the consequences

Rule 38

There is no coincidence's

Rule 37

Don't write letters

The nosmsclub rulez

Me & EmoElins nosmsclub rulez:

#1: Don't send sms
#2: MMS is not SMS
#3: Answering is not sending
#4: Rules only apply lonely/drunken nights....
#5: ....until the hangover is gone

Rule 36

Dont live in the middle, either heaven or hell is good enough

Rule 35

Rather no hope then false hope

Rule 34

Alcohol is the anesthesia by which we endure the operation of life

Rule 33

If you have a dream, live it

Rule 32

If you like someone, whatever you do after that last goodbye, AVOID!

Rule 31

Denial is the way to go

Rules 16-30

#16 Someone always try to stab you in the back, so don't ever turn it.
#17 If you miss someone, stop it!
#18 Don’t worry about what people think, they don’t do it very often.
#19 Think logical it makes a nice contrast to the real world.
#20 Accept everything just the way it is...but don't ever complain if you do.
#21 Depend on your gut
#22 You are who you are, don't change
#23 Do not fear death
#24 The time you waste on nothing is not wasted
#25 Your friends watch out for traitors, so do the same for them
#26 Rather be honest then nice
#27 Don't use social media to inform everyone exactly everything you are doing
#28 Most days there is a tomorrow
#29 Crying is good for the soul
#30 Just don't cry to much, it leads to dehydration

Rules 1-15

#1: Gibbs rule #4
#2: Don't take life for granted.
#3: Gibbs rule #45
#4: Life's to short, sometimes stop and just take a look around
#5: Don't live life in the shadow of who you can be
#6: Don't ever lie, instead don't tell the whole truth
#7: Play the part
#8: Grön gubbe > röd gubbe
#9: Never expect anything
#10: Don't regret anything because in the end it made you who you were
#11: Gibbs rule #11
#12: Fuck rule #12
#13: Don't feel, it only bring you heartache
#14: Don't put yourself in a situation where there will be a farewell, if you can't avoid it, go hide!
#15: When you get lost, don't panic, go back to your roots.

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