Drunken rules

Rule #:
1. Don't say yes to anything.
2. Don't rant
3. Don't write anything anywhere
4. Don't think, it hurts
5. Don't feel, it hurts in the end too
6. Don't accept to do heavy lifting in hangover state.
7. Don't wake up anywhere but home.
8. Don't talk about personal stuff with people.
9. Don't admit you have secrets, people will just try to make you tell them.
10. ...
11. ...
12. Don't panic, if you follow the rules you wake up at home with no anxiety
13. Do fucked up things, just don't let anyone take pictures or film it.
14. ...
15. Don't get violated
16. Avoid elderly people (they might violate)
17. Don't go all tourette's here.
18. Don't smile, you don't deserve it.
19. ...
20. Life's to short, so sometimes, stop and take a look around
21. Don't say anything you wouldn't say in sober state.
22. Avoid sober people, they remember everything
23. Avoid feeling good, you won't the next day.
24. Leave the phone at home
25. Turn off the computer before you go out
26. ...
27. Don't listen to Snuff when drunk it makes you sad.
28. Don't trust anyone.
29. Don't ever think you're smart enough to break these rules and wake up without done anything stupid.
30. Try to remember this when in the state of alcohol


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